
Due to landslide risk in Tijuana, Civil Protection monitors Fraccionamiento Lomas Conjunto Residencial

They will focus their monitoring on areas in Tijuana with a landslide risk

Following instructions by the mayor, Montserrat Caballero Ramírez to prevent hillside landslide risks that affect residents of the Lomas Conjunto Residencial neighborhood, the Directorate of Civil Protection Tijuana monitored the location to asses damages in the area's houses.

This was stated by the head of the agency, Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ramírez, after technical staff placed 44 labels in houses at Montes Escandinavos and Monte Parnaso Streets in this neighborhood, in which no risk had been identified previously.

He explained that of these labels, 7 are red, which means there is high hillside landslide risk, and 37 are yellow which are houses that are in a situation at risk and preventive measures were issued to these residents, who were recommended to keep an eye on possible incidents.

He said that after the census that was carried out, the registry of houses with red labels rose to 52 and with yellow labels to 42, which means there are 94 houses with labels.

It should be noted that among the incidents found in this area there are cracks, fissures, and wall separation in several houses, sidewalks, and plastering. In addition, two houses have collapsed in Montes Escandinavos Street.

Staff of the Municipal and State DIF Systems joined the operation as they provided psychological assistance to neighbors affected by the landslide, in case they required it.

Ceballos Ramírez pointed out that a landslide can occur for several different reasons such as the type of soil, type of housing, infrastructure conditions regarding potable water, drainage, and rain systems, the degree of erosion, fractures or faults in the terrain, among others.

Lastly, he encouraged people to always keep an eye on their homes' structural conditions and to follow recommendations by Civil Protection in case their properties are labeled due to being at risk or high risk.

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